So I go about in researching pictures about objects shattering or broken objects or anything related to impact. I did quite a lot of sketches but I'm not sure whether to put it here coz it will be in my keynote.
YEZ now I have a concept!!! My concept is IMPACT! ok let me elabourate more on that. Basically, my clip will be all about impact and forcing objects to the ground. This will include objects shattering and a collision with different objects. Reason being is that since its for baybeats, I want to create something that is fast-paced and a little violent. ANd, I will film the object from underneath, like literally fitting the theme 'Underground Experiment'.
So slowly, I religiously go to for inspiration (thankz to agnotti). And yeah, you can easily get inspired and ideas by viewing other works there.
And I'll tell you a secret. During the first part of our fyp 2, I wanted so badly to do something like this ----> But I don't have the time as when I discovered that website, I only have a week left before submission. And now, I think that I can do something like that for baybeats as it is relevant and very experimental.
Interestingly, I found a VERY similar video to surface film, but I feel its much better!
or u can watch here --->
Or I can do a paper-cut out look-alike like this ---->
Ok at first, I don't really have a clue to what I am doing. So I just take references here and there from the net and do some photoshopping, which u can say doesn't make sense. But you know, sometimes we need to do this thing just to get a start.
These are some of the reference that I kind of like.
I'll upload MORE later. Right now, I did some photoshop-ing. This is what I get if I do without thinking. Basically since i do not have a concept yet, I just DO.