Saturday, May 9, 2009

Short Film

Definition of a short film.

There are 2 definitions to a short film, one is by following the North American way, and the other, the European way.

The American stated that a short film generally refers to films between 20-40 minutes, whereas the European definition stated that a short film can be of a duration between 1-15 minutes, so long as it touches a minute. The North American also tend to focus more on character whereas the European focuses on visual drama and plot twist.

Short films often focus on difficult topics which longer, more commercial films usually avoid. Short films can be classified based on story line. There may be single, duo, triple, or multi-version modes in picturizing a short film. Short films can be made to test new technologies and techniques.

On conclusion, short film can be an experimental film (duh)....

1 comment:

  1. Are you still going for the short-film 'execution' ? If so, what wd the approach be?
